Late antique historiography represents an original continuation of classical historiography: it is marked by both traditionalism and innovation. Originally practiced in Greek and Latin, the genre was adopted and modified by the new languages that enrich the late antique landscape, such as Syriac, Armenian and Arabic. The changing cultural and religious environment of the years 300 to 800 A.D. gave rise to new questions about time, reality, and language that would shape historical thinking in the Mediterranean for centuries to come.
The research group Late Antique Historiography studies this fascinating genre in all its variety, and to that end includes ancient historians, classicists as well as oriental philologists. They will produce a database offering a complete inventory of all late ancient works of history, editions of fragmentary texts, and detailed studies on specific histories and related texts. In addition, various workshops and conferences will be organised.
The RSRC is an international joint research center of Ghent University, the Free University of Brussels and the University of Kent. Our aim is to promote studies in the history of the Roman World in all its various aspects. We embrace contributions in the field of economic, social, political, cultural and mentality history from the dawn of Roman history (8th c. BCE) to the end of Late Antiquity (6 c. CE), including the (hellenised) East and the auxiliary disciplines (epigraphy, papyrology and numismatics) studying historical sources. We seek actively to promote and support research initiatives and projects in all these fields. Twice a year, we organise workshops in Brussels and Ghent to present ongoing research, featuring both prominent senior researchers and promising juniors.
SDEP is a Scientific Research Network funded by the Research Foundation Flanders (Belgium) (
Besides four Flemish research teams (from Ghent, Brussels and Leuven), SDEP brings together nine international reasearchers and their teams. Our aim is to study what drove economic development and how this in turn changed Roman society: (1) Can the growth/decline of the Roman economy be attributed to its man-made institutional context? (2) Did economic developments change the institutional framework? (3) What part was played by ecological factors? The ambition is to combine data derived from economic archaeology and natural science research with new theoretical frameworks drawn from neo-institutional and development economics and to put these in a comparative and longue durée perspective.
GICS is an interdisciplionary group that brings together the various disciplines working in the field of Classical Studies: History, Literature, Lingusitics, Archaeology, Philosophy, ... Through its website, newsletter, symposia, and seminars GICS aims to provide a platform for classicists from various stock working at Ghent University.
Het Nederlands Klassiek Verbond is de grootste vereniging in het Nederlandse taalgebied, die zich toelegt op de verspreiding van de kennis van de antieke cultuur en haar erfenis onder een breed publiek van geïnteresseerden. De afdeling Oost-Vlaanderen werd opgericht door mensen uit zeer verschillende vakgroepen. Zowel de vakgroep Latijn & Grieks, als de vakgroepen Archeologie en Oude Geschiedenis van Europa, Romaanse Talen (andere dan het Frans) en Middeleeuwse Geschiedenis ondersteunen ons project. De afdeling tracht daarbij ook complementair te zijn aan het Griekenlandcentrum door vooral de Latijnse kant van de Klassieke cultuur als werkterrein te nemen. Het is hierbij de uitdrukkelijke betrachting om periodeoverschrijdend te zijn en de hele 'Latijnse' cultuur en geschiedenis van de Oudheid tot nu aan bod te laten komen, zonder de latere ontwikkelingen in het keurslijf van het 'Nachleben' te willen duwen. Voorts hechten wij ook veel belang aan een historische benadering. Voor ons impliceert dit meteen dat ook niet-tekstuele bronnen belangrijk zijn en dat dus de archeologie een noodzakelijke en evenwaardige partner is.
U4 Winter School Antiquity
One of the main objectives of this U4 Winter School is to give doctoral students the opportunity to present their research projects to an international group of peers and to get feedback from experienced scholars. The students come from various academic disciplines dealing with Classical Antiquity and its reception.