Our group is dedicated to active reserch and publications. The following is a list of key publication that we consider representative for our group. A full list of publications of the whole group can be generated by clicking here. Full individual publication lists may be found on the personal pages of our members (see staff).
- Broekaert, Wim 2013, Navicularii et negotiantes. A prosopographical study of Roman merchants and shippers. Rahden, Marie Leidorf Verlag (Pharos 28)
- Broekaert, Wim 2011. Oil for Rome during the 2nd and 3rd century AD, in: Mnemosyne 64 (2011), p. 591-623
- Broekaert, Wim 2008. Roman economic policies during the 3rd century AD: the evidence of the tituli picti on oil amphorae, in: Ancient Society 38 (2008), 197-219.
- Conterno, Maria 2014. La “descrizione dei tempi” all’alba dell’espansione islamica Un’indagine sulla storiografia greca, siriaca e araba fra VII e VIII secolo, Berlin De Gruyter
- Conterno, M. 2014. Temistio Orientale: Orazioni temistiane nella tradizione siriaca e araba. Brescia: Paideia Editrice.
- Deene Marloes 2011. Naturalized citizens and social mobility in classical Athens : the case of Apollodorus, in: Greece & Rome 58 (2011), p. 159 - 175
- Deene, Marloes. 2014. “Let’s Work Together! Economic Cooperation, Social Capital, and Chances of Social Mobility in Classical Athens.” Greece & Rome.
- Gemeinhardt, P., Van Hoof, L. & Van Nuffelen, P. (eds.) 2015. Education and Religion in Late Antiquity: Genres and Discourses in Transition. Farnham: Ashgate.
- Van Hoof, L. (ed.) 2014. Libanius: A Critical Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Van Hoof, L. & Van Nuffelen, P. (eds.) 2014. Literature and Society in the Fourth Century A.D.: Performing Paideia, Constructing the Present, Presenting the Self. Leiden: Brill.
- Van Nuffelen, P. 2012. Orosius and the Rhetoric of History. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Van Nuffelen Peter 2010. Episcopal succession in Constantinople (381-450 C.E.) : the local dynamics of power, in: Journal of Early Christian Studies 18 (2010) p. 425-451
- Van Nuffelen Peter 2011. Rethinking the gods : philosophical readings of religion in the post-hellenistic period, Cambridge: CUP, 2011
- Vanacker Wouter 2013. Aedemon, Lusius Quietus and the Baquates : ties of resistance and cooperation, in: Mnemosyne (in press)
- Vanacker Wouter 2010, Aspects of the integration of the periphery in the Roman Empire, in: Kultura I Polityka 7 (2010), p. 7-28
- Vandevoorde Lindsey (in press), Augustales and Decuriones. Sixteen Inscriptions from Narbonese Gaul, in: Latomus (in press)
- Verboven Koen 2011). Roman Friendship, in: Peachin Michael (ed.), Handbook of Social Relations in the Roman World, Oxford U.P., 2011, p. 404-421
- Verboven Koen 2007. The associative order, status and ethos of Roman businessmen in Late Republic and Early Empire, in: Athenaeum (2007), 861-893
- Verboven Koen 2012. The freedman economy of Roman Italy, in: Bell Sinclair & Ramsby Teresa (eds), Free at last! : the influence of freed slaves on the Roman Empire, London, Bloomsbury, 2012
- Zuiderhoek Andries 2008. On the political sociology of the imperial Greek city, in: Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 48 (2008) 417-445.
- Zuiderhoek Andries (2009). The politics of munificence in the Roman empire: citizens, elites and benefactors in Asia Minor. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2009.